Saturday, February 7, 2009

Miserable [but not really]

This entry is purposely written especially for my family so they won't complain not hearing from me as frequent as before. I am still sane (hopefully). Another 1 week for 3rd Internal and a month before I sit for 2nd year MBBS exam. Having him beside me helps lots. Can't wait to be a 3rd year medical student, more interesting things to discover I presumed.

My lil heaven [don't leave comment about its tidiness, yours truly is aware of her imperfection],


  1. Good luck with the exams... and off the record- that's a pretty neat room compared to my junkyard.

  2. thanx eveline.u r just being nice, the room is really unkept.

    glad to know u.hv a good day.

  3. hang in there!!

    U can do it!

    Terima kasih sebab sudi datang lawat blog akak.. maaf lambat akak balas lawatan..

    adik budak medic yea? tak pa..susah sekarang nanti on ur graduation day everything will be worth it.. so keep ur sanity girl! :0)

    take care!

  4. p.s... ur profile picture... akak tunjuk that photo kat my kids hatice n baddin and they laughed!! hahaha sooooooooo cute!!

  5. kak simah,

    thanx for visiting.kiss hatice and baddin for me,surely one day i'll meet u and your wonderful family in real.


  6. yosh lin!
    leen faham perasaan tak sabar tu hehe. sikit lagi, gambatte!

    oh btw; ur handwriting is still the same.

    p/s: tips - lambakkan buku atas katil. hehe. so that u wont have any space left to "lie down for a while"

  7. yeaaaaaah,,sikit lagi!

    tulisan xkan berubah,buruk macam,dia tau tactic tu;p,lambakkan buku so rasa bersalah nak tido,,mmg xboleh nak tido sbb malas nak kemas.

    nway,lin balik msia april ni.2 weeks:)


  8. owh.. akak 2nd year jugak yer? sama la kita.. ^_^ macam mana exam? semoga dapat keputusan dengan warna yang berterbangan~ semangat sungguh nak balik malaysia tu.. hhuuuu.. nak join! tapi bleh bulan 8 je.. T_T

    p/s: akak, ainul nk link blog akk ek.
