Biro Dana IMAM-India Chapter kendalikan flowers dedication. Lepas maghrib tadi ada orang tekan loceng. Bila buka pinta ada four flower bouquets in front of my door. Ini kerja Awien, si flowergirl itu. Sangat terharu.
All the flowers.
A kind gesture from you at the time of need really made a different. Your kindness will always be remembered. Thank you so much!
From: Achik
Achik, terima kasih. Lin sangat terharu (silently). What i did all this while are sincerely what a friend should do, nothing in return. I hope we achieve what we want in live and i really appreciate you being there throughout my ups and downs.
Tetapi boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu,padahal itu baik bagimu,dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu,padahal itu tidak baik bagimu. Allah mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui. (Al-Baqarah:216)
Buat Syazlin (Kaklin), pabila seseorang itu boleh dibawa untuk berdiskusi,berkompromi serta mencari jalan tengah, insan itu sebenarnya telah memahami erti kematangan yang sebenar. Kehidupan tak semudah disangka. Akak lebih memahami kehidupan dibandingkan saya. Apapun, moga perjuanga kita di muka bumi sebagai khalifahNya mendapat rahmat dan berkah Ilahi. Salam perjuangan.
Farid Nazmi
Adik, thank you also for being you. A person who i admire for the vision and sincerity. Tiada kebetulan yang disengajakan.
Thanx alot for your care during my 'red eye' time.
From: Dalina
You're welcome. Don't bother to reward that small help. I will always be there if you need me. Jangan nakal-nakal.
Together forever.
From: Adi
Adi, sangat terharu. Terima kasih. (i suspect you did this to get my permission so you can freely do your flirting mission with all the cute adiks kan. just go ahead!).crocs clan bila nak buka keahlian?
Dah jadi hiasan our dining table. (Don't bother the weighing scale).
close up!
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