Sunday, December 28, 2008


[1 Muharram 1430]

Malam tadi begitu indah,
bintang juga merona merah
menahan malu.

[kau bukan saja melintas, tapi singgah di
sudut paling manja]


  1. Hi,

    Lawatan balas!

    You have a nice blog here. A medical student in India, huh? Interesting... I'm sure I'll be reading more of your stories from now on.

    I like that posting on Kerala trip. Nice pictures! I hope to go there one day...

    And on your dilemma about the miserable pay that doctors get in M'sia ~ don't be put off by it. You must always think that you're doing it for the love of the profession; NOT for the money.

    Doctor is such a noble job, just like a teacher. You'll make your big money, I'm sure, but not immediately. You must earn it, and how you do it is through your experience.

    Well, that's my two cents worth. A sisterly advise... Sorry for hogging your comment box.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  2. mrsNordin,

    I am in my 5th semester and will be sitting for examination Mac next year. After that I am officially a 3rd year medical student.Long way to go before graduating:). My concern is not the low payment as I can't avoid that but more about my financial status to confront the future. I don't want to be financially dependent on others.

    Kerala! You have to visit that state (it's one of the states in India, next to Karnataka and Tamil Nadu).Heaven I would say;) I am currently in Bangalore, Karnataka. I can be a tourist guide and I won't charge anything for that (but a plate of yong tau fu from Malaysia will do) ;p

    Happy New Year too!

  3. syazerq,

    wuts up? apa cer ni, diam2 je dia yek:).cepat bagitau siapa that guy before i korek2 the true story.masa i courting dengan Lah dulu sibuk2 dia jadi gossip girl:P


  4. Anon (yg gila ber'fb'),

    itulah ber'fb' aktif sgt, org suro bukak blog xnak.lin malas nak ber'facebook' nih.low profile lah katakan.

    psl that guy,nantilah kita cerita.*blushing*.i balik msia kot end of nxt kaklong grad october.klu dia jadi kawen balik gak,raya pon nak balik.yippy!

  5. Syazlin!!!

    Lin masih Syazlin yang Fazleen kenal dulu.. You have never failed to make miss you even more upon reading your entries..

    Jaga diri Syazlin..

  6. fazleen,

    i am still the old me, and missing u even more.partner in action dlm meng'pow' biscuits sayba sambil minum neslo ptg2 di banting.u gave colors to my life back in bukit changgang (begitu 'classic' nama itu).

    u take care too!
